Ukraine is home to 350,000 Jewish men, women and children, served by nearly 384 Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in 35 cities.
Along with other residents in their cities, they are under bombardment night and day. The store shelves are empty, and it is often too dangerous to venture out in any case. Many wish to flee but have nowhere to turn.
Throughout this ordeal, Chabad-Lubavitch in Ukraine has been providing food, water, medicine, shelter, and (when possible) safe passage out of the most dangerous areas to whomever needs it.
The task is daunting, but the work is critical. Please give generously to Chabad-Lubavitch of Ukraine's life-saving efforts.
Literally every dollar that is donated right now is money sorely needed for work already taking place. "We are talking about food, water and medicine, we are talking about helping people leave. It’s saving lives literally."
Help save the lives of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. They are counting on us!