11:00 am - 12:00 pm Brunch & Learn
Come explore the Torah perspective on current events
and the latest developments in Israel.

Rabbi Naftoly Hershkovich
Location: Chabad and FREE of Niles - 9401 Margail Ave, Des Plaines
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Tanya
The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G‑d, the human soul, the world and our place in it.

Rabbi Yaakov Pole
Location: The Bellows Center - Synagogue FREE, 2935 W Devon Ave, Chicago
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm The Practical Parsha
This class explores a Halachic topic of each week’s Torah portion.Beautifully expanded upon with sources, laws from Shulchan Aruch, explanations, insights, and contemporary customs.

Instructor: Rabbi Levi Stern
Location: 3115 W North Shore Ave, Chicago
  No classes currently on Monday Nights
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Downtown Lunch-N-Learn-N-Network
Do you want practical life lessons? Do you want Kabalistic insights? Do you want answers to real questions? If yes, then Lunch & Learn is for you! Join us for a fascinating hour as we explore how the Parsha applies to our growth, success, and happiness in today’s modern world. Kosher Sushi Lunch served

Instructor: Rabbi Levi Notik
Location: M. Geller Diamonds 29 East Madison St. #1805, Chicago
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Torah Tuesday
Every Tuesday we take one hour to explore relevant Jewish topics using ancient wisdom to guide us in a modern society. The weekly class is guaranteed to be a peaceful break in the midst of a fast-paced work day.

Instructor: Rabbi Lazer Hershkovich
Location: Chabad and FREE of Niles - 9401 Margail Ave, Des Plaines
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Kabbalah and Chassidus
Jewish Mysticism explores the different insights into the many mysteries of life. Come discover the journey into the self and the world around us with Chabad Chassidic teachings. Includes topics such as the purpose of man, the purpose
of creation, how G‑d interacts with our physical creation and many more.

Instructor: Rabbi Shmuel Notik
Location: 20550 Saunders Road, Riverwoods
8:30 pm – 9:30 pm Discourses of the Rebbe
Text based study of the Rebbe’s Ma’amorim, Chasidic discourses on themes of mysticism and spiritual development.

Instructor: Rabbi Yaakov Pole
Location: The Bellows Center - Synagogue FREE, 2935 W Devon Ave, Chicago
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Suburbs Lunch-N-Learn-N-Network
Do you want practical life lessons? Do you want Kabalistic insights? Do you want answers to real questions? If yes, then Lunch & Learn is for you! Join us for a fascinating hour as we explore how the Parsha applies to our growth, success, and happiness in today’s modern world. Kosher Sushi Lunch served

Instructor: Rabbi Levi Notik
Location: 1020 Milwaukee Ave, (Conference Room) Deerfield
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Talmud for Beginners
The Talmud is a repository of thousands of years of Jewish law, legend, wisdom and philosophy. It also blends unique logic, shrewd pragmatism, history, science, anecdotes and humor. We will discover how Talmudic teachings have practical relevance in your life.

Rabbi Levi Notik
Location: 20550 Saunders Road, Riverwoods
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm In Depth Chassidic Philosophy
Chasidic philosophy is a wide-ranging world outlook and way of life that sees the Jew’s purpose in this world. It shows a path to realizing one’s purpose, to developing a deeper relationship with G‑d, and enjoying a meaningful life that truly contributes to the world. We will go in depth of this outlook and explore profounder ways of applying them to daily life.

Instructor: Rabbi Shmuel Notik
Location: 20550 Saunders Road, Riverwoods
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Women’s Study Chaburah
Join us for a round table discussion and class that will enrich your week and give you the keys to study text based sections of the weekly Torah reading. Dive into the ancient holy words of the Torah to discover insightful and contemporary lessons on how to direct the struggles or challenges in our lives into reservoirs of strength and inspiration.

Mrs. Raizel Hershkovich
Location: Chabad and FREE of Niles - 9401 Margail Ave, Des Plaines
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Insights on the Parsha
Join us every other Thursday evening to learn about the week’s Torah portion. We will discuss the weekly Parsha intermixed with Chassidic explanations.

Rabbi Shmuel Notik
Location: Vernon Hills
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Tanya
The Book of Tanya is the basic and fundamental guide to Chassidic philosophy. It captures the deepest mystical concepts of Torah and translates them into a tangible, comprehensive and inspirational approach to serving the Al-mighty.

Instructor: Rabbi Binyomin Scheiman
Location: Chabad and FREE of Niles - 9401 Margail Ave, Des Plaines
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Discourses of the Rebbe
Text based study of the Rebbe’s Ma’amorim, Chasidic discourses on themes of mysticism and spiritual development.

Rabbi Yaakov Pole
Location: The Bellows Center - Synagogue FREE, 2935 W Devon Ave, Chicago
8:30 am – 9:30 am Likutei Torah - Des Plaines
A classic collection of chassidic discourses by the first
Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.

R’ Dovid Grinker
Location: Chabad and FREE of Niles - 9401 Margail Ave, Des Plaines
9:00 am – 10:00 am Parsha of the week
This class examines the text of the weekly Torah portion with discussion based on various commentaries. Including Chasidic explanation and timely insights.

Instructor: Rabbi Shmuel Notik
Location: 20550 Saunders Road, Riverwoods
9:00 am – 10:00 am Likutei Torah - Chicago
A classic collection of chassidic discourses by the first
Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.

Rabbi Mendel Moscowitz
Location: The Bellows Center - Synagogue FREE, 2935 W Devon Ave, Chicago
Shabbat afternoon Talmud Study
Shabbat Afternoon, dive into the vast sea of the Talmud, the compilation of centuries of Halachic discussion between the greatest of sages. With its stimulating and mindsharpening twists of logic, the Talmud represents the ultimate in Jewish scholarship.

Rabbi Eliezer Bakaleynik
Location: Chabad and FREE of Niles - 9401 Margail Ave, Des Plaines
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Tea And Torah
JLearn how to enhance your family with the beauty of the mitzvos of the Jewish woman.

Instructor: Mrs. Shternie Notik
Location: 20550 Saunders Road, Riverwoods